InterChat44 Committee


While face-to-face interaction with another alcoholic may be ideal, text messaging has become widely adopted. InterChat44 offers a way to make a connection with a newcomer and it will open the doors of Alcoholics Anonymous to some still suffering alcoholics by reducing barriers of communication.

It may be useful to those who are deaf as well as those who are in cube-farms and unable to pick up the phone during their moment of clarity. This does not replace the standard channels of phone calls and/or meeting finders on the website. It simply extends another channel through which visitors to the site can seek the help that they need.

In the end, adding yet another channel can only help to strengthen our web presence -- whose primary performance indicator is found in its ability to remove any possible friction between the site visitor and those of us who are here to help them - thereby fulfilling our primary purpose. It is, of course, up to them which option they would like to use, whether by phone, finding a meeting, or chatting with us directly. We are simply providing them another choice.